QICA Events

Tickets Gladstone

Complete the registration above to book your tickets for the 2023 QICA Conference in Agnes Water and Town of1770, Queensland.


The 2023 QICA Conference will be held in Agnes Water 1770, Queensland from Tuesday 3 October departing Friday 6 October. Conference Gala award Thursday evening 5 October. As the only annual conference dedicated to the Queensland VIC network, speakers, workshops and study tours are specifically developed for staff and volunteers for professional development and networking.


Agnes Water and Town of 1770, QLD,

Cancellation Policy

•No refunds will be available for any cancellations after 5pm on Monday 25 September 2023 •You may substitute another delegate (in writing) at any time prior to the event's commencement should the nominated delegate be unable to attend. •The organisers reserve the right to cancel or postpone this event to an alternative date. All registered delegates affected by such a cancellation or postponement will receive a full refund. QICA will not otherwise be liable for any loss damage or expense arising from the cancellation or postponing of this event.